
Single family detached average price $997k which is 14.9% increase year over year. Single family attached the avg selling price was $770k which is increase of 13% from the same period last year. Townhouse price rose by 12% to $595k, and apartments price increased by 7.5% to $431k


Single family detached average price $944k which is 6% increase year over year. Single family attached the avg selling price was $6760k which is increase of 7.25% from the same period last year. Townhouse price rose by 10% to $463k, and apartments price increased by 6.3% to $521k


Single family detached average price $1.187M which is 7.7% increase year over year. Single family attached the avg selling price was $805k which is increase of 8% from the same period last year. Townhouse price rose by 9.75% to $655k, and apartments price increased by 6.1% to $501k